Monday, January 15, 2007


I know, it's been a while. I apologize for keeping you waiting--I was washing my hair.

It's been a busy couple of weeks, filled with exciting new news. In no particular order:

• I got promoted (aka hired on permanently) as an associate editor at work. This comes with lovely new business cards and benefits and things.

• Ivan got a new job, a steady one, at a local hardware store. This means we can now both walk to work and he won't have the uncertainty of a softening construction market.

• Walking to work means that we could sell one car, which we did, leaving us with a single Subaru.

• The powers that be at work announced that the company will reimburse employees for exercise related expenses, up to a certain amount each year. Pilates class first, then trapeeeeeeeze!

• It was 60 freaking degrees in Vermont in the winter. Global warming combining with El Niño, apparently. Of course, I watched An Inconvenient Truth that weekend. Sigh.

• Now it is sleeting and raining and yucking, and I'm a bit behind deadline (thus working on a "paid holiday," whatever that means).

What's next? Luau this weekend with some friends, more New Zealand planning, and generally hoping for snow.