Tuesday, May 23, 2006

What a long strange trip it's been.....

I exist! Despite 2 straight weeks of rain (during which I went off anti-depressants--not recommended) and some flooding and a severe lack of employment and internet access, I exist. In an effort to reestablish my existance, I went to my mother's house last weekend to bake. And bake. And bake some more. (The oven at the house we're housesitting in doesn't work). The result? 4 loaves of bread, 2 pans of cinnamon rolls, and 4 individual almond tarts.

In other news, I've started work. Well, sort of. I went to get training last week, and I start officially on Thursday of this week. As you might expect, the office is a casual one (the boss wears birkenstocks and brings his dog) and full of all sorts of crunchy granola goodness. I feel right at home, although I fear I might yet become crunchier thanks to this environment. Anyway, my job will be somewhat boring, but it will be really nice to be able to leave work at work. And I'll be learning a lot about the green building industry.

Since I haven't been working, I've been knitting: washcloths to sell at the gallery, a shawl, some socks, and my wedding shawl (which has been a total test of my patience). Ivan's mom and I are starting a stitch n' bitch at the gallery, and Ivan's dad might start making hand carved knitting needles. My life is rather filled with knitting just at the moment.

That's about all from this neck of the woods. No recipes to share, as I'm currently cooking in a kitchen I hate, and am therefore totally uninspired. Sigh.

I can't say I miss Chicago, although I certainly miss the people (that would be you, oh person who is reading this). I like being in the world of green trees and hills and farmers' markets and coops and dirt roads and, well, mud. Ya'll should come visit!

Monday, May 08, 2006

Yay Home!

Ah, the internet. Very difficult thing to find when you're housesitting for a person who doesn't have it. Hence the lack of updates.

As you may have guessed, Ivan and I made it safely to Vermont, having driven for 15 hours or so through the midwest and New York. The funniest road sign award goes to Vestal, NY, where we found this: "Old Vestal Road...no Re-entry."

We arrived at midnight to find that Ivan's mom had filled our fridge with coffee, milk, and some farm fresh eggs, not to mention a big bowl of Easter candy. It's good to be amongst family! The next few days were filled with family visits and car buying and visiting the inn where we're going to be married (it's awesome).

Now we're settling into a routine--Ivan started work today, I start on June 1, and we move into our actual apartment on June 1. So life, in short, is good.

Now it's off to NYC to care for a post-operative friend.