Sunday, June 25, 2006


Ivan and I went to a family wedding this weekend in the 'burbs of Chicago. One of those 200 person family weddings with the crazy great uncle once removed (or something) who was a drycleaner and inhaled one too many gallons of dry cleaning fluid.

To get to said wedding, we had to board a plane. Two planes, actually. The first plane was late (thank you east coast storms), meaning we missed our connection to the last flight out of Rochester NY. Thus we had to run all over the terminal looking for anyone left in the building (there were 2 people) and, once we found those people, ask them for a change in flight and a hotel room. We got the hotel room (it was a smoking room...grrrrr), and got up at 4am on the day of the wedding to catch our flight. Then this morning we had to get up at 5am the day after the wedding to catch our flight home (which, by the way, went totally smoothly).

So now I am tired. Very, very tired. Time for bed....


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